Palentines Day
This is a celebration of love, intimacy and healthy relationships in their many forms! Typically held on the week of February 14th, Palentines day is about honoring our friends, partner(s), family, and all loved ones who bring us joy and care. Join us for crafts, empowering activities, and conversation with other amazing folks!
Womxn's History Month
Surrounding International Womxn's Month in March, the GEC hosts events like the State of Womxn--meant to educate and empower womxn-identified individuals. The goal of our programming is to not only demonstrate the strong impact womxn have had in every aspect of history but also showcase the different images that represent femininity and womxnhood.
GEMS is our theater activism program, comprising a two-day performance, zine, and art gallery. This is a student-led project with opportunities for Cal Poly students to join a cast of performers and production team and for all campus and community members to contribute their written pieces and art. Find out more here!